Boxley,Geo hatter wool, fur $200.00 $200.00


70 hats at $7.00 each $490.00 $90.00
Kindrick, Abel wagonmaker and blacksmith wood, iron $150.00 $200.00 1 3 wagons at $150.00 each $450.00 $0.00
Alberson,Wm. sadler wood,leather $100.00 $100.00 1 30 sadles at $14.00 each



Warts, Humphrey blacksmithy & wagonmaker wood & Iron $300.00 $100.00 2 6 wagons @$150. Each $900.00 $400.00
Peterson,John wheelwright & cooper wood & leather $0.00 $150.00 1 155 pair of Shoes , wheels $2.00 $127.50 $22.50 loss
Gordon, Charles distiller corn,malt $380.00 $100.00 1 18? Gallons whiskey $.50 each $900.00 $540.00
Whitlock,Jas wheelwright wood $0.00 $50.00 1 52 wheels at $2.50 each $130.00 $80.00
Williams,Mastyen miller wheat,corn $100.00 $30.00 1 50 barrels of flour $5.00 each $250.00 $100.00
Ganard,Jas blacksmithy & wagonmaker iron,steel $400.00 $150.00 2 ploughs,maddox,country tools $450.00 $300.00
Hammond,Ambrose wheelwright wood $0.00 $40.00 $40.00 20 wheels- $2.50 $50.00 $10.00
Tredway,Thos picking card machine maker wood,iron $200.00 $100.00 1 13 pic card machine $50.00 each $650.00 $350.00
Grady,? hatter fur $400.00 $250.00 2 200 hats $7.00 each $1,400.00 $750.00
Brazzleton,Rueben pack card machine maker wood,iron,cards $250.00 $150.00 1 18 pack card machines$50. Each $800.00 $400.00
Lumpkin, J(?) grist,sawmill grain,wood $300.00 $100.00 2 40 bushel, 100,00 ft flour and plank $1,200.00 $800.00



joiner,carpenter wood,plank $0 $100.00 2 * $600.00 $500.00
Johnson, ? blacksmithy & wagonmaker iron,steel $400.00 $200.00 1 all country work $1,000.00 $400.00
Ross, ???s shoe, bootmaker leather,thread $150.00 $80.00 1 20 pr boots, 200 pr.shoes $560.00 $370.00
Yarborough, ??n??em maker of woodwork of wagons wood only $170.00 $133.2/3 1 17 woodwork of wagons $30. Each $510.00 $206.00
Hedrick,Jasper cooper wood $.00 $150.00 1 pails,tubs,barels,wheels,churns $150.00 $1.00
Seism,????? country blacksmithy iron,brass,steel * $200.00 1 ploughs,axes,mattocks,bells $500.00 $300.00
Kimbal,Jno millwright wood * $350.00 1 3 mills for grain $150.00 each $450.00 $100.00
Nanoy,Daniel country weaver thread * $100.00 1 1600 yards 12 1/2 cts each $200.00 $100.00
Preseley, Walter country shoemaker leather,thread * $100.00 1 150 pr shoes at $.50 each $75.00 $25.00 loss
Dodd,Denis shoemaker leather,thread $300.00 $44.00 1 300 pr shoes $600.00 $256.00
McCoy,Thos carriage maker wood $150.00 $50.00 1 15 OF the woodwork of carriages $450.00 $250.00
Talmadge, ? blacksmithy & wagonmaker iron,brass,steel $500.00 $300.00 2 augers,chisels,,plain irons,footadzes $1,200.00 $400.00
Wilson,Wm John McConnels miller corn , wheat * $300.00 1 suppose 500 bushel corn and wheat $250.00 $50. Loss McConnel made $250.00 gain
Brown,Ephreim ginning cotton cotton 262,000 lbs * $150.00 2 262,000 lbs cleaning and packing $1,230.00 $1,080.00
Comer,Joseph F. country blackie iron,brass,steel $100.00 $500.00 2 ploughs,mattocks,axes,bells,tools $700.00 $100.00
Ussery,John cooper wood * $300.00 1 pails,churns,tubs,barrells $250.00 $50.00 loss
Armstrong,James blacksmithy & wagonmaker iron,steel * $500.00 1 tools $500. $0
Stewart, Joshiah gunsmith brass,iron $240.00 $760.00 2 30 rifles and guns $1,000.00 $0.00
Kyle,Robt hatter furs only $300.00 $200.00 2 150 fur hats at $8.00 each $1,200.00 $700.00
Griffitt G. Isom country blacksmithy iron,steel $0.00 $500.00 1 farming utensils $500.00 $0
Horton,Isaac wheelwright wood $67.00 $100.00 1 80 cotton wheels $2.50 each $200.00 $33.00
Malden,Wesley blackie, wagonmaker wood,iron $300.00 $200.00 2 6 wagons at $160, each $960.00 $460.00
Finch,John gunsmith brass, iron, wood $120.00 $150.00 2 35 rifle guns $25.00 each $875.00 $605.00
Brogdon,David Country blacksmthy iron * $200.00 1 sharping tools when it do not rain $130.00 $70.00loss
Newberry,Joshua H. distiller corn,rye malt $200.00 $110.00 1 1250 gallons whiskey at .75 cts pr gal $937.50 $627.50

Others call themselves Mechanics yet do nothing to make them so,near 2/3 of the male inhabitants of Hall County are handycrafts of some kind or other, though not professedly so, as agriculture is there greatest dependance, yet there are more real workmen, enrolled amoung the aggreculturalists than those professedly so; for from my ideas of many of the professional characters. Laziness is the cause of their profession.

24th November, 1820

Joseph McCutchen

Assistant to Marshall of the District of Georgia


List of Merchants in Hall County


1.Sparks, Carter W.- capitol 2500 dollars

contingent expenses\ 350 dollars gained

2000 dollars annually


2. Ayers Thos G.- Capital 2500 dollars

family and contingent expenses/

500 dollars gaines /700 dollars annually


3.Everretts,Samuel-Capital 3000 dollars family

and contingent expenses/1000 dollars

gains/1000 annually


4. Doods,Jesse- capital 700 dollars board and

contingent expenses/100 dollars gains

450 annually


5. Mcguire,Simma- capital 3000 dollars family

and contingent expenses/ 1000

dollar gains/500 annually


6.Green,Curtis- capital 2000 dollars at 50% 580

dollars family and contingent

expenses/ 420 gains


7. Clements,Isaac- Capital 3000 dollars

expenses not told but supposed gain of 300 annually


8. Cockburn,Geo- 1000 dollars at 50%

250 dollars board and contingent

expenses gain 250 annually


These are the calculations made by the above Merchants themselves; certifyd this
24th day of November 1820 by Joseph McCutchen
Assistant of the Marshall of the District of Georgia


Ga Archives Reel 189/8

Copyright © 2003 - Present by Vicky Chambers

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